Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My eyes have been opened

I'm happy to report it was a beautiful Spring day in the Utah Valley. I'm not getting out the outdoor furniture yet reports are the cold and yes more snow is on it's way. In my search for employment I found a mentor of sorts who recommended me reading a book named The New Rules of Marketing & PR. So like a good student I purchased the book. (I couldn't check it out from the library until this week end). I don't know what it is about this book but I have not been able to put it down. I am vaguely familiar with marketing not in the content of publishing releases and trying to get media coverage, I have never played in that league. What got my attention was how the author David M. Scott got his book published. I have started writing a few books but when my logical side takes over I stop writing. The problem of how would I get them published has always haunted me this book had a solution to one of my fears. Blogging was an avenue to get a address for my portfolio while I applied for jobs. During this time of job seeking I have had time to do some soul searching. This whole experience has been very strange and foreign to me I was self employed until I move to Utah 3 years ago. Writing a resume, unemployment insurance and job interviews are extremely intimidating, having to rely on someone for your income has been humbling. Getting laid off my job was not just being unemployed it was getting kicked in the stomach while on the ground. My employer shared DNA with me thus the main reason to relocate to Utah. It has been challenging to change careers and separate business from family. I know from much experience that the trials we go through in life only make us stronger. I'm still at a loss as which path do I walk down digging deep within myself and asking what am I passionate about? Do I have something of interest to read? Would a company take my creative side and over-look my computer tech skills? Do I keep applying for Administrative positions with the other 200 applicants and hope I'll get a reasonable paying job?

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