Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Why am I HERE?

Yesterday I had a few moments to ponder my discussion to move to Utah 3 years ago.
Standing on an ice covered ladder trying to balance while the wind blows me so I can put the cover on my swamp cooler for the ?? time, my mind reflects. Lets rewind and look at the events of the past few days. Saturday I mowed my lawn for the first time this season it was a pleasant 60 degrees we enjoyed most of the day out doors. Sunday the wind blew so hard it tore a section of my fence down along with the wind came snow flurries and freezing temperatures. Okay I dealt with that the final straw was waking up Monday to 6 inches of snow covering my car and ice covered streets. I had two cars crash behind me after dropping off my daughter I couldn't tell if they hit my car or not, stopping was not an option. I began digging holes to place new supports for the fence my fingers where frozen due to the fact my work gloves had ice in the finger tips. The calendar says Spring I say insane.

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