Monday, May 25, 2009

Three months

This week will be the third month of not working. When I reflected upon what I've done with my time my first thought was I have wasted precious time. I have nothing huge to look at and say I accomplished this, or do I?
1. We got my daughter moved to Utah enrolled and attending school.
2. My garden is planted and growing quite well.
3. I've decided what direction I want to apply my interest and talents.
4. I've crossed off a few items on my list of to dos.
5. I've been able to relax and take some me time,to better understand who I am.
6. I've been an emotional support and taxi for my kids.
7. I've learned about blogging, twitter, the public library and what the government has to offer.
8. I've learned I'm not alone nor do I have to do this alone.
9. This is the first time in my life I have allowed my parents to help me, through this it has strengthen our relationship.
10.I have learned how to give my will to a higher power and have faith.

The hardest part of this experience thus far:
1. Not being able to buy my daughter's a birthday present
2. Giving my car up.

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